Momma always said that if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it. And the same is true for your marketing copy. A local florist—one I passed every day—was going out of business and instead of the giant red and white “everything must go” banner that businesses usually paste up, a king size white sheet billowed beneath their signage with two red hand-lettered words in all caps:
I never thought much of the store as I passed it daily except for commenting about the gaggle of fake geese that lived out front along with a handful of wooden windmills. "WE QUIT" definitely got my attention. But, would it get my business?
“WE QUIT” made me laugh a little to myself at the boldness of the statement, and then made me feel a little bad from yet another mom and pop store going under in a bad economy. But it didn’t compel me to spend any money, or to even look at, the last of their inventory.
Even when the chips are down you’ve got to stay positive.
Had the sign said perhaps “Our loss is your gain!” or “ Our business has wilted but you can still stop and smell the roses” I might have thought to take a second look, because those words would have at least left me feeling motivated—not deflated.
The lesson in all this? Words stir emotions and emotions stir us to action.
Now take the "Life is Good" brand. An excerpt from their company story posted on their site, www.lifeisgood.com:
Today, the New England based brand stays close to its roots, with an emphasis on simplicity, humor and humility. Through Life is good Festivals, positive products, and a steady dose of ping pong, Jake's crew does its best to keep the good vibes flowing.
And looking at how popular their brand is today, I'd say they are on to something...positive.